Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Say hello to our little friends

Meet the new members of the Verhoeven Clan. Three new baby chicks have made it to our home. Right now they're living in the kid's bathroom in a Rubbermaid storage bin under a heating lamp. We have two Ameraucana chicks (less than a week old) and one Rhode Island Red (two weeks old). They are too young to know the sex, but we're keeping our fingers crossed for hens. I really wouldn't mind a rooster later, but for now I'd like to start with just hens.

One Ameraucana.

Our other Ameraucana.

Rhode Island Red

The Ameraucana's lay a greenish-blue egg. They're also known as an "Easter Egger". The woman who sold us the chickens said there is no difference in the taste of the egg. The Rhode Island Red is a pretty good egg layer, or so that is what I read.

These little guys will be growing FAST! So, I've been doing a lot of research on coops and runs. I'm still not sure what we'll go with exactly, if we'll purchase ready made, build our own, or have someone build one for us.

Jacob loves them and always wants to visit his "chickies". Believe it or not, he is a lot more gentle with them than I thought he'd be. We still need to keep a close eye on his whenever he is around them. And little Emma seems to get a kick out of them too!

Now that we have some livestock, I told Mike that I wanted a sign for our yard to read:

est 2007

What do you think?


Vaughnde said...

Awwwww! I not only love the pictures but that brings back memories. I do miss my chickens. I had 12 hens and a rooster in Montana. The Rhode Island Red does lay good eggs. I've never had an Americauna though. One thing don't be shocked if you see the yolks in bright orange. Thats normal. The light pale orange in the stores are because the eggs are old. They will taste different at first but you'll get used to it and its much healthier to have fresh eggs. Now if you want hard boiled eggs, you need to let them age for 4-6 days first then boil as usual. :) Enjoy!

Mandi said...

Let us know if you want Stephen to come help build the coop. Then Mike can come help build ours! ;D They're so cute - I just hope you don't have three roosters....

Unknown said...

LOL I had NO idea that you could post comments on this here thang! I know, I know... Anywho! These "birdies", I'll call them, are so adorable! I wanna one! Like I told you, my egg never hatched. Haha I was so naive. Oh, well. I love and miss you all. I can't wait to go up there in the fall. Yay! =)