Monday, December 15, 2008

One Year Portraits

We finally got around to having Jacob's one year portraits taken. We also decided to get a family picture done too since we still don't have one.

The pictures that I'm posting are mostly coming from the un-edited photos on the CD that we purchased. I haven't gotten around to scanning all of the ones we purchased yet. But you'll get an idea! And yes, we have plenty for everyone :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

First look at baby #2

Just wanted to share a few of the first photos of our newest addition. It turns I'm actually 13 weeks pregnant, instead of 12. The due date is now June 12, 20009. We tried to find out the gender but this little one was wiggling like crazy inside of me and had the cord between it's little legs.

So far everything looks good. The heart was beating at 160 BPM and the baby is VERY active, although I still can't feel a thing. We didn't notice an amniotic band this time. Hopefully we'll make it through the pregnancy without one. My next appointment with the midwife isn't until the first week of January.

Here's a look at the little peanut:

Profile shot.

Here the baby has its hand right above its forehead.

Here the baby has its legs scrunched up ready to kick.

And here it is kicking! Look at those skinny legs!!

Rolling over on its side waving bye-bye.