Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!

We've been very busy around here these past few days which explains the lack of updates. The night before Easter we dyed eggs as a family, which Jacob LOVED, and then Jacob and I made sugar cookies using spring and Easter themed cookie cutters. They came out very cute and tasted even better!

We woke up early Easter morning a little later than we wanted. Which meant rushing to get ourselves and the kids ready for church. I swore we would be late and would have no seats, but thankfully I was wrong!

Church went well. We dropped Jacob off for children's church and headed into the sanctuary with Emma. We made it about 15-20 minutes before I had to leave to go to the "Cry Room" with her because she couldn't sit still or be quiet. So Emma and I enjoyed watching the church service on TV alone in the cry room.

After church we headed over to Cracker Barrel with the Wright family and had brunch. Thankfully with 4 little ones 3 and under we made it through pretty uneventful.

Jacob and Emma fell asleep on the way home. Which gave the Easter Bunny plenty of time to finish up some last minute projects. That's right, I've done it again! I am NOTORIOUS for working on things last minute, as you'll remember with Jacob's Halloween costume that was made Halloween day. This last minute project consisted of finishing Jacob's bunny. It was almost done the night before, but I was just too tired to finish.

The bunny was finished and ready with Emma's bunny and both baskets just in time for little Jacob to wake up and see what the Easter Bunny left for him!

And did this little boy even so much as show one tiny little bit of interest for this bunny that I spent so much time on and stressed so much over getting finished? No sir. He did not. But, he did love his Alfie! Oh well, I expected as much. :)

And of course we had an egg hunt to find the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid!

A couple days before Easter, Mandi and I met up at her mom's house to take some Easter pictures of the kids. Um, lets just say it didn't go well. All four little ones ended up crying at one point or another. We had two tiny ones that wanted to nurse and be held and two bigger ones that wanted to run away or go in the house. And to think we even brought outfit changes, hahahaha!


Mandi said...

AW! How sweeeeeet! The pics came out great!

Unknown said...

All the kids look so cute in their Easter get-ups! I miss you all so much, Val. Ugh. Soon enough, soon enough. =)