I've had a bit of the cloth diapering blues here recently. I want to say about 12 of our cloth diapers have pretty much gone to crap and there is no bringing them back... The waterproof lining is completely coming off. Now we still do have A LOT more cloth diapers, but these one-size pockets are just very simple. They require no cover and pretty much work just like a disposable with their tabs. Very Daddy friendly :) I also love them for trips outside of the house. We still have more than a dozen that still work great, but with two in cloth diapers-- they go fast!
I do not want to spend any more money replenishinig our diapers. So lately, I've been just getting "back to basics". Yep, we've been going old school with the prefold diapers. You know, they kind your parents wore! Except with a few new twists... Instead of pins, we're using snappis (although we do have a few pins). And instead of using plastic pants, we're using wool and diaper covers like these.
Back when we first started cloth diapering Jacob I bought 24 prefold diapers. We still have those very same diapers and have started using them again. I've found that if I fold them down in the back I can get a smaller fit for Emma. So the good news is I don't have to buy any new diapers and they fit both of the kids. And I still have plenty of "going out" diapers.
I just love the classic look of a baby in a prefold!
Here is litte Emma in dyed newborn prefold at a month and a half old, wow how time flies!
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