Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Backyard findings

While digging up rock in our yard for our hummingbird garden flower bed (more on this tomorrow), I came across these 3 eggs...

So at first I think they might be snake eggs..? I took a picture of them and e-mailed the photo to Mike. Turns out they're Sandpiper eggs. Sandpiper birds lay eggs in nests they make on the ground. Mama bird wasn't anywhere to be found. Not sure if she abandoned these little guys or what. I left a marker near where I found them so I'll be able to find and check on them again tomorrow.


Mandi said...

Those are those one birds that are black, gray, white and yes, they do nest on the ground (and usually leave their eggs in inconvenient places!). You'll see them running around on the ground a lot (unlike most birds) and they also make a LOT of noise, especially if you're near her nest. She likely didn't abandon them, however, don't mess w/ them or go near them much, or she will.

Valerie said...

Mandi, I left a shovel near the eggs. One of the eggs is completely out of the nest. I'm wondering if mama bird is going to come back. The eggs looked untouched again today..?