At 10 months and 3 weeks old Jacob decided that he was only going to walk, and has been doing so ever since. It's so funny because when his legs get tired from walking too much he still doesn't stop. Rather, he looks like a little drunk man waddling around the house.
Here's a video of Jacob walking:
Here's a video of Jacob talking:

Isn't this the cutest baby cow? His momma was so protective!
Jacob looking at the ducklings.
Daddy & Jacob looking at a bunny.
We actually went on two different days. On the second day we went they had a crash em up derby (or something like that). Mike absolutely loved it! We got there kind of late, so there was no room for us to sit with a stroller in the stands (I'm telling you-- these rednecks love this stuff!). So I just told Mike to go ahead up in the stands without us while me and Jacob hung out and ate some snacks. He said he wished he would've brought the video camera to show everyone :)
We've already begun to have some house problems... Seems our roof has sprung a leak! Luckily the house is still under warranty, so everything will be covered. But we already have some damage. Our ceiling is bubbling up in certain spots and there is even about a 2-3 inch crack in one of the bubbles. The contractor who built the house is supposed to come out here soon to evaluate the damage and repair it. We just had roofers out today com and fix the problem. So now there should be no more leaks...
We've been getting out of the house more often too, which is nice. I met Mandi on a online group for mom's who make homemade things (food, cloth diapers, clothes, etc...). Well it turns out Mandi lives in not only the same state as me, but she also lives in the same town! We never set up a place to meet or anything so it's a funny story how we ran in to each other. We were walking out of Wal-Mart and her family was walking in and she said, "Valerie??". Of course I turned around even though I don't know anybody here, and sure enough it was Mandi. She recognized us from online photos!
It was so great to meet her & we have so much in common. It's nice to finally have someone to have a one-on-one adult conversation with (besides Mike!). We've even been going to church with their family. Sometimes when we go to pick Jacob up from the nursery he's pretty upset. We hear it's because he's a major sympathy crier (if other babies cry, he cries with them...) It has been better the last few times though. It's crazy how much I miss him even when I'm only away for about an hour. Right after service I can't wait to see him!

Eating at lemon at Cracker Barrel after church. That boy loves lemons!!
We've also been going to the park. We meet up with Mandi and another Mom LeAnn and their kids Genesis & Brayden (both are two). Now that Jacob can walk around he's having a lot more fun!

Here are my latest crochet products. I've even opened an Etsy store to sell some of my things. I don't have much up right now, but it's a work-in-progress...

Alright, I'm gonna get going. Jacob should be waking up from his nap soon and I want to get some more stuff done around the house. I'll post more soon!
Until next time,
Valerie, Mike & Jacob
Some more videos:
Jacob reading
Jacob playing with Daddy's nose
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