Jacob has been such a joy. I can't believe how far he has come in such a short time. I can still remember the first time we got to see him like it was yesterday. He was only 6 weeks old and the size of a small grain of rice. As small as he was we got to see a really tiny beating heart. It was amazing to me. There was this tiny little miracle growing inside me, it was surreal. 1 year and 8 months later he has sure changed a lot!
I feel so blessed to have been able to be Jacob's mommy. I have got to see this little tiny helpless baby grow into a strong walking, talking, and much more independent little boy. Everyday is something new and exciting for all of us.
He is the funniest little person I have ever met. One smile from him could make a bad day instantly great. A laugh could cure a week.
It has been really hard letting him turn one (like I had a choice, right?). I know looking back I will see just how silly I was being. I look forward to each milestone and watching him grow and learn everyday. I look forward to watching him become the wonderful person I know he is capable of being.
I decided to put together a little timeline of Jacob's life so far. Enjoy!

16 weeks-- It's a boy!

Jacob sucking his thumb at 18 weeks.
Jacob's face at 31 weeks.
Belly at 4 months
Belly at 5 months.
Belly at 6 months.

Belly at 8 months.
Last belly picture. The night before I gave birth to Jacob. 39 1/2 weeks.
Last picture together without a baby!

Jacob on his first birthday playing with the tree we planted from a seed the same week he was conceived.
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