Wow, it has been a while since I've posted! Life has been quite crazy with the move! Also, we just got the internet two days ago, so we've been internet-less for 3 weeks. Well, more like I'VE been internet-less. Mike can check e-mails at work. I never knew how much I would miss google... I live on google!
The house is coming along very well. Things are finally getting back to normal, and I'm so thankful! It's very stressful wanting to feed your child and realizing important things in order to do this are still somewhere stuffed in a box. Jacob went about two weeks eating baby food from jars and wearing disposable diapers. It was just too nuts to try and pull off cloth diapering and making his babyfood. He absolutley HATES carrots and sweet potatoes from a jar, that's for sure. He wants the real stuff!
We had a good time though. We visited Thomas Jefferson's home Monticello, James Monroe's home Ash-Lawn Highland, and James Maddison's home. That's now four presidential homes we've been to. When we lived in Hermitage Andrew Jackson's home 'The Hermitage' was literally 10 minutes from our apartment. Jacob was not very interested in the tours, so one of us had to wait outside with him while the other went through the tour.

Hey, you!
Uh, oh!
Here's the resort we stayed in.
Me & Jakey on the boat dock.
Morning Sunshine!
Little founding father.
Here we are in front of Monticello.

These cows were so close to their fence we stopped the car and got out to get a closer look.
The road on the way to Monroe's home.
Ash-Lawn Highland.
Don't worry.... Mike was close by ;)
Maddison's home.
Thank the Lord that tour is over!
Now on to the fun stuff... play with grass!!
We also got to visit a vineyard. We unfortunatley didn't get to go on a guided tour, but we walked around and snapped a few pictures. We also got to see and pet the horses at the resort we stayed in. Jacob loved it!

Now on to the fun stuff! Jacob is 10 months old now and is looking less and less like a baby each day! He has now taken 9 steps at a time and frequently walks from the TV to the coffee table all by himself! He waves "hi" and "bye" and is FINALLY clapping his hands! He will also mimick differnt noises, sounds, and gestures that you do. He is still only signing the word milk, but that is my own fault. We haven't really been working on any other signs lately.
He is such a good eater too! (*knock on wood!*) He loves just about anything you feed him, including brocolli and lemons, YES LEMONS! He makes a sour face when he bites down too hard, but then he goes right back for it. He's so crazy :) By the way yogurt has become a complete hit, and he eats it just about everyday.
He has such a personality. He is now "yelling" at his mommy too. He points his finger at me and yells "Ada-dah-dah-dah-dah!" which translates to "leave me alone mommy and let me do what I want!".
Speaking of pointing, he's been pointing at objects latley and almost asking with his eyes, "what's that?". He loves pointing at the fan and hearing you say, "fan". He smiles every time. Mike and I think it will be his first word.

Playing with his new goldfish. Fluffy & Sushi (don't ask, Daddy named them.)

Swimming in his new pool!
Say no to crack!
I've been trying to crochet a lot more latley to try and sell at a craft show and consignment sale. Here are a few of my latest projects:

Adult size camo hat.
These I made especiall for Jacob. They're wool 'shorties' and they work like a cover for his cloth diapers.
I guess I'll cut this one kind of short. Until next time...
xoxo; Val, Mike & Jacob
Here are some videos that I keep forgetting to post. They are from aout 2-3 months ago. I need to upload some new videos from our video camera....
Jacob dancing:
Jacob laughing at his daddy:
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