Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two milestones!

Guess what chunky butt is FINALLY crawling??

Yes, that would be my Emma Lou!! Yay Emma!!

She has been capable for a while now. She would get on all fours and pretend to crawl before putting herself back into a sitting position. Lazy girl :)

Yesterday was the big day. I was so proud of her. I seriously could've cried. (Tears of joy of course!)I can't believe how fast this is all going. Before I know it, she'll be walking and talking. They grow way too quick!

So now we're officially in the next stage: mobility. Bring. It. On. haha!

I have to download all the videos on our video camera hard drive to a dvd. We've finally run out of space on it. However, I did get a video on my phone. I just need to figure out how to upload it to my computer. You'll have to excuse the fact that she is bottom-less. We were airing out a little rash. If we had known she would be crawling we would have made sure she wasn't wearing her birthday suit ;)

In other big girl news... are you ready for this?? WE HAVE A TOOTH!! Well, sort of. It's poking through just a tiiiiiiiny bit. Enough for me to notice at least.

Crawling and a tooth. All in less than 24 hours. Go Emma!


Jenn/Memaw said...

You go Emma!!!! She is growing so fast! Time to come back to Florida! Your blog is great! Very Easy to read! You really are doing so awesome at taking pictures!!! Love how Jacob can speak Spanish!!! I wanna know if after he said it in Spanish did you open the door? I would have! What a great story!
Hugs to all....when are you going to post stories about Mike!!!! LOL
Love to all,