Today was Valentines day! The kids woke up to cards, chocolates, baloons, and a couple gifts. I was putting together Jacob's wooden train tracks that he took apart the night before when I heard our bedroom door open. (Yes, he is still sneaking in our room in the middle of the night!)
When I came out of his room I greeted him at the kitchen table. He was already helping himself to some ladybug truffles sent by Grandma! He ate three more before we decided enough was enough and it was too early for that much sugar.
Then we read cards and opened gifts. Jacob got a few Thomas the Train DVDs, a new shirt, and a wooden Toby train to go with his tracks. Little Emma got some really cute clothes and two books about nursing. You know, since that's what she likes best!
The books are called "Mama's Milk" and "We like to Nurse". They're both really sweet and show differen mama animals and mama people nursing their babies. I have to say that I like "Mama's Milk" better. The graphics are much nicer and they show several different mom's with their babies. They even have a mama wearing her baby! Which is great since we're a baby wearing home too. :)
When I came out of his room I greeted him at the kitchen table. He was already helping himself to some ladybug truffles sent by Grandma! He ate three more before we decided enough was enough and it was too early for that much sugar.
Then we read cards and opened gifts. Jacob got a few Thomas the Train DVDs, a new shirt, and a wooden Toby train to go with his tracks. Little Emma got some really cute clothes and two books about nursing. You know, since that's what she likes best!
The books are called "Mama's Milk" and "We like to Nurse". They're both really sweet and show differen mama animals and mama people nursing their babies. I have to say that I like "Mama's Milk" better. The graphics are much nicer and they show several different mom's with their babies. They even have a mama wearing her baby! Which is great since we're a baby wearing home too. :)
My sweet husband bought me filters for the camera. And the kids got me a basket full of doritos, white cheddar popcorn, and slim jims. LOL! Now, does my husband know me or what??!
For Mike, I got him a nice collage frame with pictures of the little ones for him to bring to work. Believe it or not, it's what he wanted! And I also threw in a case of Sam Adam's specialty sampler beer. ;)
Last night we spent the early evening with Mandi and her family. We met them over at her mother's house to celebrate her 30th, uh, I mean 29th birthday. ;) The kids had fun playing together and I had fun snuggling with little Gabriel-- he's almost two months old!!
Genesis finally got her crown and she put it on right away! It just so happened to match her beautiful dress that her mama made for her. She'll be making one for Emma's first birthday, right Mandi?? ;)

I just love the look on their faces. "Could you hurry up and light them already? We're ready to help blow them out!"

Aw, so sweet! I love it! LOVE "The many faces of Genesis" - hehehe, she's so animated! Thank you all for coming!!
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