We took the kids to see Santa today at our local WalMart. Unfortunately we do not have any big malls around here with extravagant Santa's. This Santa worked out just fine. :)
Jacob arched his back and refused to sit on Santa's lap. He did, however, give santa a "low-5". We were going to get a photo of the kids each alone with Santa and one together, but Jacob wasn't having it.
Emma was smiling away and everyone was commenting on how happy she was. And she was very happy when we first gave her to Santa and looked at him in amazement. Then, she broke down. She didn't scream or anything, but she just started pouting and making some really sad faces. We captured both happy and sad moment. Then we all squeezed in for a family shot since Jacob refused to be near Santa without us.

Happy baby.
Sad baby.
Christmas 2009.
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