Weather aside, we started decorating the house for Christmas. We don't have many decorations yet, but the few we have are up. I'm hoping that we can get a few lights to decorate the outside of the house in.
Our fake Christmas tree is up. I'm anti-fake Christmas tree-- but for some reason, we bought one last year. It's a tiny 4 ft tree. I think we got it because we wanted a small enough tree to fit in our bay window, away from Jacob. Well, Jacob is bigger this year so we can't keep the tree away from him. It's still in the window, just minus the ornaments. I think we're going to forego hanging the ornaments this year and save the aggravation. I'm looking forward to the day we can have a nice, BIG, real Christmas tree (with ornaments)! Until then, our fake one in the window will do :)
Please excuse the messy house and the man in the purple sweater (I make fun of him wearing it all the time, but he still continues to wear it!). It was a lazy Sunday morning.
She can't always be sunshine & smiles.
OK, enought with the photos. She REALLY means business!
We'll be taking the kids' Christmas pictures as soon as the weather permits. We've had nasty winter rainy days without sunshine all week.
I can't wait to see Jacob's reaction to Santa Claus. Last year was fun times, but this year he's bigger and stronger. I'm sure we'll be lucky to snap a picture before he assaults Santa and runs off... Here's the photo from last year:

Emma is completely sitting up and playing unassisted on her own for long periods of time. I caught a rare moment of the two of them playing together. Jacob was building a tunnel out of his wooden blocks for his trains and cars to ride through. Emma was stealing the blocks and eating them.

Ahh, the sweet smell of poop just walked by our office. Until next time!
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