Before you came along, I never knew just how much I could love someone. You truly were love at first sight.
Though I’ve only know you for three years, you have completely changed me forever. I love you more than you will ever know. That is, until you have children of your own one day.
You are full of so much energy! At times I have no idea how on Earth I keep up with you.
You have the cutest most contagious little laugh. And you are the most ticklish person I have ever met! You have such a great sense of humor. Not a day goes by without you making me laugh—whether you mean to or not.
You are so smart. You’re constantly learning new things and you pick up on them so quickly. You have such an amazing imagination and I hope it stays with you forever.
Some of your favorite things right now are soldiers, robots, trains, and cars. You are 100% all BOY! You love anything that has to do with being outside. I swear if you could live outside, you would. You love playing soldiers with Daddy and having him draw tanks and trucks on your magna-doodle. You love dancing and singing with Mommy during the day and snuggling at night. (I’m not sure who likes it more, me or you!)
To me you are, and will always be, perfect in every way.
I love you so much little boy!
Forever Yours,
Mommy, Daddy, & Emma
This year for Jacob's 3rd birthday party he wanted a soldier cake. So we went with all things soldiers! I wish I got close up pictures of the cake and cupcakes we made. But you know how things go when you're rushing around. Things just get forgotten!
Mandi made him his awesome military style shirt! She also bought him a pilot bomber jacket which I will get photos of him in later. I think we might incorporate it in his Halloween costume ;)
The party turned out great. Everyone who was invited showed up and some of Jacob's best buds were there to celebrate.
Jacob got everything (and much more!) than he little heart could desire for his birthday. He is one spoiled little boy. Someones room will be raided here in the next few days once I feel up to it. It's most definitely time to purge some toys.
I'd like to thank everyone for all the cards and gifts sent through the mail too! I really plan on getting around to some thank you cards this year. So be expecting them in the coming weeks!
Simply Beautiful!
I'm so glad he had such a wonderful birthday! It was perfect!
We love you Jacob! It's been such a joy watching you grow these last few years! Aunt Mandi loves you, buddy! XOXOXOXO!!!!
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