Thursday, August 12, 2010


I went on an online book buying spree. Seven books to be exact.

I haven't mentioned, but a couple weeks ago I learned to knit. I learned from watching youtube videos and remembering what Mike's grandma taught me one afternoon. I'm really no good at it yet. But I'll get there. I'm one of those people that wants to be perfect at something right away. Which makes it very hard to learn something new. I bought a couple of beginner knitting books that I'm really excited about. I think my first project will just be a basic scarf.

I've also been dabbling with hand embroidery.

This was my first project. I plan on keeping the fabric in the hoop and hanging it up in Emma's bedroom. I plan on making one for Jacob too. One of the books I bought (not pictured, because I'm still waiting on it) is a beginner embroidery book. In it has all different kinds of stitches and beautiful patterns to use. It's called Embroidered Effects . Based on the reviews it seems like a pretty awesome book. I can't wait to get it!

Here are a few patterns from the books that I'm really excited to try out!

Easy Baby Knits by Claire Montgomerie

Handmade Home by Amanda Blake Soule

Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross

Handmade Beginnings by Anna Maria Horner

Now if I can only find the time...