Thursday, March 4, 2010

Horsing around

It's March and still FREEZING cold outside. We even had flurries again just the other day. I can truly say that we are developing cabin fever in this house! This weekend Jacob's friend Brayden is having a birthday party and from what Mike was telling me, it's supposed to be a warm 60 degrees outside! We'll see.

We've been making the best of staying inside. The bed has become a playground for the little ones. They have so much fun jumping and attacking each other. I love watching them interact with each other.

Emma is starting to get better at eating solids. Finally! Carrots have now become a favorite and we have just introduced peas yesterday. Not sure how those will do yet because yesterday when we sat down to eat lunch Emma had a meltdown. I tried putting peas in her mouth to see if that would ease her crying, but as you can guess it only made it worse. Turns out she just wanted to nurse. Uhhhh. We'll be trying peas again for lunch today.

We tried potty training yesterday. Every 15 minutes I took my bare butt boy to the potty. He still will not pee in the darn thing! He has yet to ever do a single tinkle in it. He just sits there makes a "Psssssss" sound and says "All done Mommy. It's all gone." I even did the little potty chart and gave him a sticker every time he sat on the potty. I told him if he went pee pee that he would get candy and a sticker! Well he peed and it wasn't on the potty. Rather, the DVD player. So a diaper went on that bare butt and I decided we would start fresh the next day. I'm still waiting on the little booger to wake up this morning...

I'll have more to post later once the sun rises a little more and I can get a picture of Emma's room. I FINALLY painted and hung Emma's letters on her wall!


Jenn said...

Go to your forums and get some feed back from people who are in the midst of potty training or who just got out of it. Cause I tell you what I have no advice except to say when they are ready they will be ready and if you decide to put it into play then stick to it and don't be like me! Cute pictures! So move back to Florida already!