Monday, March 29, 2010


My mom has a couple baby pictures of me uploaded onto the internet and while looking throught them I came across this (check out the inset picture):

Now we know where Emma's mohawk comes from! Looks like I had one too at just about the same age as she is now. Funny!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt: Part 1

I packed up the kids and headed over to Mandi's mom's house today so the kids could go on an Easter egg hunt. Mandi's mom will be out of town during Easter so they invited us over for an early Easter celebration!

This Moment

One photo. No words. A moment I always want to remember...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Twirly Skirty

I finished up Emma's twirly skirty! I created it using the wigglebunz creations pattern.

Now if I can just get these bunnies finished...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rocky Top Tennessee

This year we’ve finally decided to start a small garden. We’re starting off simple: herbs, organic bell peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, and blueberries. We’re also going to do a hummingbird garden right near our tree where the hummingbirds like to hang out.

We’ve been busy, busy, busy trying to get everything together. Since this is our first time at really trying to grow anything (besides trees), Mike bought me this really awesome book called “Grow Vegetables”. Title says it all, right? It’s packed with all kinds of information on growing vegetables and herbs—even if you have no yard!

For now we’re sowing our seeds. Some are being sown in seed starters, others in baking pans. Jacob loved helping and kept asking, “Plants grow”? I can’t wait to see his face when they finally start sprouting up.

For the herb garden we purchased a simple circular raised bed that was pre-made. For the other gardens we’ll be making our own beds and borders with rocks from our own backyard. We have TONS of them scattered throughout our yard. So, with shovel in hand I began to work at digging up just some of the rock…

It was originally Mike’s idea as he used the rocks as border around some of the trees he planted last fall so we would be able to see them and not run the lawn mower over them.
While digging up rock, I also got up a lot of cactus. Believe it or not this stuff is growing all over our yard too. Makes me nervous with the kids out playing so it's a goal this year to get it all up.
And in more yard news: Some of our bulbs are blooming!

Friday, March 19, 2010

This Moment

One photo. No words. A moment I always want to remember.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bright and Sun-Shiny Day!

After a week of dreary weather the sun has FINALLY decided to say hello today!

We celebrated by playing in the backyard. These two just love the outdoors. It's so sad keeping them locked up in the house. I know by the time summer comes It'll be so hot that I will dread the heat, but for now we're going to enjoy this beautiful weather!