We just returned from our trip to NY. And by we, I'm referring to me, Jacob, and Emma. I flew by myself with them. Please remind me NEVER to do that again!! They were actually very well behaved on the airplane. It was the luggage, security, and making it to our gate that was the hard part. For some reason Nashville airport is no longer giving gate passes to non-flyers. So we were pretty much on our own. Thankfully both ways we ran into some very nice people who offered to help us.
It was very nice visiting family in NY. Jacob loved playing with his cousin, Brendyn! I'm just thankful to be home and back to our regular routine. Traveling with little ones requires a vacation from a vacation!
Here are some photos I snapped. Most of the pictures were taken when we went to the Hudson River and the park. There are a few taken at my grandpa's house and my aunt's house.

Jacob has really been testing his limits lately. I know it comes with his age, but I can't help but wonder what happened to my sweet well behaved little boy!
Everything has become a struggle. His favorite phrases consist of: "No!" "Stop it!" "Get away!" and "Achooo!!" (he does a really loud sneeze type of sound when you tell him to do something he doesn't want to do. It's actually very hard not to laugh at him when he does this...)
He has been speaking very well lately. I've heard him say up to 5 word sentences. Each day he suprises me at some of the words that he says.
Emma has been sitting up unassisted. She'll sit up on her own for a few seconds until she gets excited or tries to reach for something too far away. She is still very happy, and VERY smiley. I swear, the smiles never stop with this girl.

She is still teething like crazy, but still no teeth! By this time Jacob had sprouted his two bottom teeth. I think she may have one or two coming very soon though.
Emma is also quite the little growler. I'll have to catch her doing it on video-- it is too funny. She has also figured out how to blow raspberries. That combined wuth her drool, you're sure in for a shower.
I think I've decided to take a little break from my Etsy shop. It has almost become a full time job, and I'd really like to spend some more time with the kids. My house has been messier and I'm just finding it really hard to keep up with every day life. I plan on just crocheting in my free time and getting some hats, headbands, and bows stocked for when I do plan to re-open.
While in New York my aunt and I stopped in a children's boutique. We talked about possibly selling some hats to them wholesale. I just need to come up with prices and send a few samples to them. Who knows, maybe it will work out!