Here's what has been going on.
I've switched from my midwife provider to a doctor. I'm not sure it's really the decision I want, but I was just having a lot of trouble from their office. They are the ONLY midwives in middle TN that deliver at hospitals, can you believe that? The doctor I chose seems really nice. My next visit I'm bringing my birth plan and I'm going to discuss a few things with him. My friend Mandi will be there for the delivery and she will be my doula. We're totally on the same page when it comes to child birth so she'll be my advocate. I want as natural a birth as possible. I'm going to be 'one of those'... haha :)
On to Jacob! He is signing like crazy. I swear, this kid picks up stuff so fast. Not only can he sign most of these words, but he'll say them too. Off the top of my head he's signing: bath, more, please, thank you, eat, book, and tree.
This is Jacob's new face he does when he sees that you are trying to take a picture of him.
"Helping" Mommy change the seets on his crib.
His vocabulary consists of a ton of words! Book, juice, blanket, binky, truck, car, what's that?, where's dada?, doggy, kitty, fish, duck, quack quack, moo, bath, thank you, COOKIE (anything that is yummy is a cookie!), cracker, there!, bye, hello, uh-oh, baby, belly, ... the list could go on.
Here is Jacob playing with Daddy's old transformers and GI Joe's. I'm sure by now they're antiques :P

We've started using cloth diapers again after going through a couple of months with disposables. I just couldn't handle the whole cloth diapering thing during my first trimester. But I'm feeling great now and we're back in the game! I've even bought a few more diapers (I think I have a problem). I also dyed some of our prefolds in the sink using dylon permanent dye. They came out pretty good! I'm ordering some cool knit fabric to embellish them with too.

Here they are dyed & prepped.
And here are some action shots :)
I've also bought some cloth diapers for the new baby. They are so tiny! We're going to go with prefolds, fitteds, and covers. They grow so fast when they're that little that it's silly to spend more than you have to. Once the baby grows out of newborn we have one size pocket diapers that both Jacob and the baby will fit in at the same time.
That face, again!
My new favorite diaper. It's a green one-size Haute Pocket!
Christmas was great and it was so nice to see everyone! Unfortunatley I wasn't thinking and didn't get very many pictures at all.
Jacob is officially spoiled. Check out this playroom... (minus the ball pit that is in the process of being cleaned out-- someone decided to pee in it.)
Jacob will play in this window for hours with his toy cars & trucks. He's such a little boy!
And just so everyone knows Mike and I had little to nothing to do with all of these toys! Most of them were handed down from my sister Vanessa and Mike's sister Carrie. The rest were bought as gifts from friends & family members. Thank you all so much! But enough is enough... :)
I've been really busy making hats. I've been selling on Etsy and on DiaperSwappers (the online cloth diapering forum I frequent). I've actually been doing pretty well and have done a lot of customs for people that have come out quite cute. I also bought some new really cute hat patterns to try out.

Jacob and the potty have been formally introduced. Although Jacob has yet to give it any kind of present. I try and sit him on it every once in a while just to get him used to the idea of it. We're really going to start trying to potty train at 18 months. It would be so great if he was potty trained by 2. I dread the thought of two in diapers...

Awesome! So excited there is a little girl coming into the family!!! YEAH!!! Jacob is as cute as always! Love to you all!
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