A couple of weeks ago we visited a pumpkin patch about an hour away from our home. Jacob had a really great time! It was very kid friendly. They had a little petting zoo with all baby animals, a corn maze, hay ride, a corn crib (it was almost like a huge sandbox, but it was filled with corn!), and all other kinds of neat things. He loved looking at the ducks and quacking at them! He also got to feed a goat and and had a baby cow chew on his pants! His favorite part had to be playing on the antique tractor. We could not get him off of the thing!

For Halloween we decided to have Jacob be Obi-Wan Kenobi. All I did was turn the Friar Tuck costume I made him for the Renaissance Festival into a jedi robe. Good thing when I first made it I left the hems really big just in case it needed to be taken out later. He sure has grown a lot since then! I also made him a v-neck shirt and put a long sleeve brown shirt underneath. Brown pants, boots, light saber, Darth Vader candy bucket and voila! Baby jedi!
Mandi, Steven, and Genesis met us up at the 'town square' where all the local shops were passing out candy. Genesis was dressed up as princess Leia. They were so cute together! We got a few pictures, but they weren't being very cooperative :)

After we were done collecting all the candy (for Mommy & Daddy to eat!) Jacob met some much older kids. One was dressed up as the Grim Reaper and the other was also some sort of Jedi with a light saber. Jacob even battled one of the kids with his light saber! It was hilarious! He was very weary of the boy dressed up as the Grim Reaper. He had a painted on scary face and Jacob was just not sure of him. All in all we had a pretty good time!

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