Someone's five months old now! Can't believe it! Seems like yesterday I just had him... We've had a lot of new milestones this month! First, we have a new tooth! I put my finger in Jacob's mouth one morning and felt something a little sharp. When I opened up his mouth to look, I saw a tooth! Having a tooth means he is getting older, and that makes me sad!! I want him to be my little baby forever. No more teeth!
At first the teething was going GREAT. No problems, he was actually even sleeping more than normal. Now we're not so lucky. It's usually spouts here and there. Mainly at night (a couple hours after Mike gets home, haha). Sometimes nothing seems to help. I just have to hold him close to my body and rock him with a pacifier in his mouth. And did I mention I MUST BE STANDING? Yes, Mr. Jacob has a preference, and he sure lets you know it.
If you click on the picture and maximize it you can see the little tooth! It's on the bottom right :)
Jacob now objects when you take toys away from him. Especially paper. He loves paper! Don't you dare take his paper! We caught him on video getting a little feisty when mommy was taking away his piece of paper. Too funny...
He's also lifting his whole body with his arms when he rolls over on his belly. When he's mad he also squirms all around. He'll be crawling here pretty soon. Which means we'll have to baby proof the house and keep an even closer eye on him...
He loves being outside. Mike and I set up his swing on the back porch and he had a blast! I don't know why... there isn't much entertainment out there. He's just an outdoorsman, I guess.
Happy baby in his swing on the back patio.
Angry hungry baby being tortured by Mommy & Daddy :(
We've been cloth diapering. I know, I'm crazy... It just saves so much money! His butt is also a lot better. He gets diaper rash really easy, and since we've switched, I've noticed a huge improvement.
It's also not that bad doing laundry. I think I do laundry about every 2 days, but since we are getting more diapers I will probably be able to get away with doing it ever 3-4 days. We tried line drying today. Mind you, we have a very small apartment back patio. I strung some yarn and hung them out to dry. We probably looked like red necks, but oh well! Supposedly the sun helps get rid of stains and sterilizes them. Plus you save on running the dryer. I'll have to take a picture of it to share with you next time I was diapers.
Jacob in his new "Haute Pocket" cloth diaper!
We will be returning back to Florida in April. Mike is taking me to Discovery Cover for my birthday gift last year. You have to make reservations way in advance + I was pregnant. So, this was the best time for us to go. We can't wait to see everyone again. Jacob has already grown since we've gotten back. He won't stop, he's a growing machine!
It's getting late, and I need to get to bed. I'll try to update this more often. Perhaps on a weekly basis. I'll send e-mail reminders out whenever I do.
Love you all so much,
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