Jacob playing in his exersaucer outside.
Concentrating on his toys!
The little man is also trying to crawl. He can pretty much turn completely in circles while he is on his belly, and he scoots and rolls over to reach what he wants! He just started kind of crawling backwards. Any week now he'll be mobile. It's scary and exciting all at the same time!

Look at me trying to crawl!!
I'm gonna get ya!
Jacob just had his six month check-up this past week. He is 16 lbs. 11.2 oz. (50th percentile) 25.5 inches long (50th percentile) and his head is 42 cm (10th percentile). So he is pretty average except for the fact that he has a little head! But the doctors said that it is completely fine. He has a small head and it is growing right on track! He also got two shots :( He was so upset! He did the silent cry where he wouldn't breathe and he was kicking his little legs. I've never seen him look so mad! But I was holding him and feeding him, so I think that helped. He definatley does not like the doctor when she looks in his ears and mouth! The doctor is really sweet though and has me hold his hands to make it less scary when she is looking at him.
Nick and Jen came to Tennessee to visit this past weekend. We all had a pretty good time. The guys went out the first night they were in town and me and Jen made it an early night and went to sleep at 10:45! The next day we went to Opry Mills mall, the Grand Ole Opry, and the Gaylord hotel. It was a lot of fun and Jacob was such a trooper. He is so good when we are out! We were gone all day and a little into the night. It was the girls turn to go out that night, but we were exhausted and I knew it wouldn't be worth it because of the baby getting up early. Nick & Jen slept in the living room and we didn't want to be rude and bring the baby out so early and wake them up too. So we just kept him in the room with us. So even with Mike getting up with the baby I would hear them and wake up anyway. No thank you! I like what sleep I do get :) We took lots of pictures inside the Gaylor hotel though. It was so beautiful! I've never been inside a hotel like this. They had all kinds of live plants and flowers, little rivers with fish (you can even take a boat tour!), waterfalls, ducks, all kinds of things! It looked as if you were outside. Whenever any of you come to visit we'll have to take you there. It was awesome!

Jacob, Mike, and I at the Grand Old Opry.

Jacob playing with flowers.

Look at my little boy!! So cute!!

Mom, you're so funny!

Such a happy little man! This was taken inside the Gaylord.

Jacob sitting behind a waterfall at the Gaylord Hotel.

Our Family :)

Mike took this cool picture of the waterfall inside the hotel.

We also celebrated Jacob's first Easter! He got two easter baskets. One from Mommy & Daddy and the other from Adrian's mom, Natalie (the little boy who I watch). In his easter basket from us I made him his first Easter bunny! He had lots of fun with his baskets, especially the grass! Here are some pictures of Jacob with his baskets in the easter bunny outfit his grandma got him and the easter hat I made him!

I'm aslo posting some recent videos we've taken of Jacob and some more cute pictures. Enjoy!
Watching his Baby Einstein movie in his Boppy pillow.
He loves his Baby Einstein!!
Such a cute little man! In the outfit his grandma got him!
Playing with his friend Tyler.
So much fun!
In his T-Rex outfit and socks! I love it!
Video of Jacob trying to feed himself.
Jacob playing with paper and getting upset when Mommy tries to take it away!