Happy New Year Everyone!
My new year resolutions are to try and be more patient, lose the rest of my baby weight, stop procrastinating, and be the best mom I can be.
Jacob's new year resolutions are to be less cranky and more happy, eat 6 oz. at a time, and learn as much as possible!
We spent our New Year on the couch watching the ball drop. The only bad part was that we are on central time, not eastern. So we just celebrated the new year an hour early! We couldn't find anything on TV that celebrated New Years on central. Oh well! The baby slept so Mike and I had some much needed quiet time.
Today we started the first day of the new year with snow! It didn't snow for very long but there were some very big snow flakes! We captured it on video to share with everyone. It was Jacob's second time seeing snow this year! In the second state! He's only 3 months old and he's been in three different states: Florida, New York, and Tennessee. Not to mention Georgia which we drove through to get to TN. And while I was pregnant with him we went to Kentucky, North Carolina, and Indiana! He's such a traveler already!
These are a few pictures we took of Jacob on his last night in 2007.
Hope everyone makes the best of this new year!
We love and miss you so much!!
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