Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jacob is FOUR months old!

Hello everyone! Sorry I forgot all about posting last week.

So much has happened lately! Jacob went to his four month check-up at the doctor's. When the doctor came in the room to physically examine him he got scared and started crying! He even did the lip! I've never seen him afraid of anybody! He got five shots!! He cried the whole time :(

When we got home he slept all day! When he woke up I noticed he was a little warm, so I took his temperature. It was 100.0, so I didn't think much of it and didn't give him any tylenol. The next day when he woke up from his nap he felt really warm so I took his temp again and it was 102.3! I called the doctor and the nurse told me just to give him tylenol every four hours. He slept a lot the next day too, so now his whole sleeping schedule is messed up! We're slowly getting back to normal around here though...

I took Jacob to his first ever Storytime last Tuesday! It's at the Nashville library in the Children's Theater. They read babies and toddlers stories, sing, and put on a puppet show! It's lots of fun, and Jacob actually enjoys it! It's so nice to get out of the house too!

Jacob and I also went to a marionette puppet show called, "Anansi" this past Saturday. It's an african folk tale about a spider. We met up with another mother, Nikki and her 8 month old son Tyler. Jacob was all smiles around Tyler, it was so cute!

Jacob and I have our first ever playdate tomorrow. We're meeting 3 other mothers. It's going to be held at one of the mother's home. There will be two other little boys Tyler & Jeremiah (both 8 months) and a little girl, Savannah (6 months). So Jacob will be the baby of the group :)

Mike and I are also taking Jacob to a children's ballet being performed by the Nashville Ballet at the Nashville Library auditorium this Saturday. It's called "Carnival of the Animals". We'll be meeting up with a few other parents from our playgroup.

Jacob went to church for the first time ever this past Sunday! I was so nervous leaving him with people I didn't really know for the first time! But he was very good they tell us! When we walked into the nursery to pick him up he was playing in a saucer eating his big and talking to another little girl. It was so cute!! I wish I brought my camera, but I forgot! Jacob and I joined a group at church for mother's with children under 5. It's called "MOBB" (mothers of baby boomers). The first meeting will be this Thursday. Jacob is also the youngest baby so far in this group too!

We also joined the MOMS club of Hermitage. (We did a lot of joining clubs and playdates these past few weeks!) Our first meeting will be on February 5th. The Vice President of the group told me a lot of new mothers with new babies just joined! They have all kinds of interest groups and playgroups that you can get involved in once you join!

Oh, Jacob sent out letters to some of his family, so be expecting them in the next few days!

We love and miss you all!

Mike, Valerie, & Jacob

Just so you know, if you click on any of the pictures it enlarges them :)
Jacob & Tyler at the Anansi puppet show!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

This week in our life...

Jacob has been spitting up a lot lately. I have him back on his medicine and we even tried to switch to a different brand of bottle. Nothing seems to be working though. We went through 10 bibs yesterday! I hope he grows out of this soon! The laundry is getting ridiculous between my clothes being spit up on, his clothes being spit up on, the receiving blankets, and the bibs!

He's also watching TV now, which is nice. It occupies him for a little bit now. I always said how I hated when people use the TV as a babysitter. But I guess when you become a parent your views change a little. Especially wen you have a baby like Jacob who requires so much constant attention!

I've been trying to give him more tummy time lately. Most of the time he hates it, but if he's ever going to crawl he needs to be on his belly. I had him playing on his tummy with the toy Nona got him for Christmas. He enjoyed that for a few minutes!

He seems to have been less cranky this week, which I am very thankful for!

I've been on a crocheting kick lately and I made the baby a new hat that matches the outfit that Nanny made him and the scarf I made him. It's so cute! And not too bad for my first attempt at making a hat! I'm posting a picture of it so you all can see!

I hope you enjoy the pictures from this past week & the two videos.

xoxo; Val, Mike, & Jacob

Here is the video of Jacob watching his Baby Einstein DVD

And here is the video of him playing on his tummy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!

My new year resolutions are to try and be more patient, lose the rest of my baby weight, stop procrastinating, and be the best mom I can be.

Jacob's new year resolutions are to be less cranky and more happy, eat 6 oz. at a time, and learn as much as possible!

We spent our New Year on the couch watching the ball drop. The only bad part was that we are on central time, not eastern. So we just celebrated the new year an hour early! We couldn't find anything on TV that celebrated New Years on central. Oh well! The baby slept so Mike and I had some much needed quiet time.

Today we started the first day of the new year with snow! It didn't snow for very long but there were some very big snow flakes! We captured it on video to share with everyone. It was Jacob's second time seeing snow this year! In the second state! He's only 3 months old and he's been in three different states: Florida, New York, and Tennessee. Not to mention Georgia which we drove through to get to TN. And while I was pregnant with him we went to Kentucky, North Carolina, and Indiana! He's such a traveler already!

These are a few pictures we took of Jacob on his last night in 2007.

Hope everyone makes the best of this new year!

We love and miss you so much!!

Video's of Jacob's New Year & Snow in Tennessee!

Jacob's First Christmas

Thank you to everyone for making Jacob's first Christmas so special!

It was wonderful to be able to spend time with everyone!

Click the picture link below to see our Christmas photos:


Videos of Jacob's First Christmas: