Remind me to never make a well baby visit for both the little ones at the same time! Thankfully Mike was there (Thank you Christopher Columbus!!)-- I have no idea how I would have managed alone.
All craziness aside, here are their stats:
2 years
Height: 33 1/4"; 20%
Weight: 24 lbs; 7%
Head: 46 cm; 3%
4 months
Height: 24"; 40%
Weight: 13 lb 11.2 oz; 55%
Head: 39 1/4 cm; 10%
Just for fun, here is a comparison of Jacob at his four month check-up...
Height: 25.5"; 70%
Weight: 14 lb; 50%
Head: 40 cm; 7%
Jacob weighed more than Emma, but Emma definately has more chunk rolls! I guess she puts on weight differently, haha :)
We could officially start solids with Emma. For example, rice cereal. But I have decided to delay solids until at least 6 months. The doctor said that it was a good decision, especially since she is breast fed. Which really suprised me since she is usually so mainstream. I know I'll hear all about it again when I delay Emma's shots like I did with Jacob though.
So I couldn't resist and ordered a tutu for Emma on Etsy. And of course I had to take some pictures of her wearing it once it came.
Until next time!
xoxo; Val, Mike, Jakey & Emma