I know, it has been a LONG time since I've posted. I keep telling myself that I need to jump on here, and just never find the time.
I've been extremely busy making hats. I had one order for 29 Newsboy hats for a woman who owns a couple boutiques. Not to mention all the other orders I've had these past few months. I'm up to I think 91 sales on my Etsy now. Which is just the number of sale transactions, as most people order multiple hats per sale. So needless to say, I've been a very busy bee :)
So on to the fun stuff!
I'll start with the biggest news first. Jacob is sleeping in a big boy bed! While my mom was here, we decided to try putting him to sleep in his new bed in his new room. He did get up about 4-5 times once we layed him down in it. Mostly just to jiggle the door knob, but as soon as we opened the door and told him, "It's na-night time", he walked right back to his bed and layed on it-- without a fuss.
Finally Mike decided to go and lay on the floor next to the bed for a few minutes to see if that helped. He was in there for a good 10-15 minutes before he came out. Jacob was still awake when Mike left the room, but little Jakey decided he was too tired to get up and try and jiggle the door knob.
I went back in a couple hours later just to check and he was still asleep, though on the floor! I have a feeling he crawled out of bed on the floor, because he had his blankie with him...
So that was Saturday May 16th, and he has been sleeping in his bed ever since-- even for naps! For the most part he is no longer getting up once we lay him down. But I am still finding him on the floor quite often. :)
Jacob is talking up a storm! He knows colors, numbers, and letters now too. Though every color you ask him is blue, every number is two, and every letter is O. He still knows to say "two" when he sees a number, and "blue" when he sees a color. He's also saying "Bee-Bee, arrrre yoooou??", which traslates to "Blankie (or binky--depending on what we're looking for) where are you??". It's so cute! He does it right before it's time to lay down.
Here are some more recent pictures of the little man:
Don't let that cute little face fool you. Here is a tantrum in the works: First a LOUD scream to let you know he means business...
Then he usually starts pouting, whining, and crying which is typically followed by him running away from you because you just made him so upset!
We spent the early part of Easter Sunday at church then afterwards we headed over to have an egg hunt and Easter dinner with Mandi & Stephen's family. Jacob had a fun time finding easter eggs and putting them in his basket :)
I am 37 weeks pregnant as of today. Which now means I'm officially full term. The baby is VERY low. At my last ultrasound to check to make sure my placenta moved, the ultrasound tech could not see my placenta due to how low the baby was. A vaginal ultrasound had to be performed in order to determine the placenta placement. Thankfully it moved just enough to not have to worry about it! I saw my cervix and sure enough, her head was laying right on it! Which explains the pressure I've been feeling on it lately.
Everything seems to be going great so far. I'm measuring right on target. Everyone who sees me swears I won't make it to my due date. I have a feeling I might go early, but not too early. I'm putting a bet in that she'll come on our anniversary. She's officially due June 12th and our wedding anniversary is June 9th. I'll have to see if it's a full moon that day.
Here are my belly shots from beginning to present. It sure has grown a lot!

Long story short, I called my doctor and was advised to go in just to be sure everything was OK. Mike was out of state at a bachelor party so I called my friend Mandi, and her husband took me and Jacob to the labor and delivery floor of the hospital. When I went in I was all cut up, bumped, and bruised. Turns out I was having contractions, but they weren't regular. They said that since I hadn't eaten since lunch and it was 9:00 PM by the time we got to the hospital and I was a little dehyrdrated that might've been why. The fall didn't help either. They did blood tests on me to make sure that my placenta was not bleeding and they monitored her heart beat for 4 hours before sending us home because my contractions had subsided.
I swear, these kids are going to be the death of me! All is well and nothing bad came of the situation besides some sore muscles, bruises, and scraped up knees and belly.
I still plan on having a different crib set made for this little girl, but for now the one we put on there will do. We still stuck with the fairy theme. The Reinassance Festival is in town, so we'll be on the lookout for some pretty fairy figures. The only ones I've been able to find so far are too provocative looking for a little girls room, in my opinion.
Jacobs room is now a military/ World War II fighter plane theme. We have some model airplanes to hang in his room, we're just waiting for Daddy to put them together.
I LOVE the way the rooms came out. We still need to purchase a dresser for the nursery and another poster for Jacobs room, but the rooms are otherwise pretty much finished. Here's some pictures:
We also just got back from Florida a couple of weeks ago. My dad and future-step mom Jenn (hurry up and marry him already!) flew me and Jacob in for a week to spend time with us before the new baby and to have a baby shower. We had a great time! Jenn made sure to snap A LOT of photos, which I'm so thanful for. Here are a few highlights from that week...