So much has been going on lately! Where to begin?
Well our big boy is in full swing crawling mode. He is into EVERYTHING! There is nothing safe anymore. He's also pulling up on anything he can. And he does it with such ease. It's so incredible how fast he's learning all of this! He will be walking before we know it. He will stand for about a second or two, lose his balance, and then slowly sit down. If you hold onto his hands while he is standing he'll walk!
But with crawling and pulling up brings a whole lot of bumps and bruises. He has absolutley no fear and no concept of the word "NO!". You can pull him away from an something he wants to stand up on a million times and he will go right back to it. Even if you try to redirect him to something else. He's got a one track mind that's for sure!

Being naughty and standing on the kitty scratch post.

Being naughty and opening up drawers and cabinets!

Being naughty and playing with things he is not allowed to touch!
Along with his two bottom teeth he now has a top tooth! When you're looking at him it's the top right. And the other top tooth is ready to pop through too, it's just a matter of days. He is going to look like such a big boy with top and bottom teeth! Teething hasn't been too bad this time around. He's just constantly making this really funny face. He looks just like an old man when he does it. At first we couldn't figure out why all of a sudden he was doing this. Mike came up with the bright idea that maybe he was doing it because his top teeth were trying to come in. I looked and sure enough he was right!

Here is Jacob making his old man face!
We just got back from Florida and had a really great time. I just wish we didn't feel so rushed to spend time with everyone. It was so nice to have everyone get to see Jacob now that he's getting to be so big!

Jacob sitting on his nanny's lap :)

Jacob with his Aunt Carrie, Uncle Joe, and his cousins: Maddison, Cassidy, Jordon & Courntey.

Jacob & his cousin Brendyn.

Another picture of the boys. :)

Jacob & Kayden playing at my mom's. Look how big they're getting!

Jacob yelling at Kayden!

High Five!

Get over here lady!

Sleepy men in Grandpa's bed.
Did I mention how nice it was to get a little break?? Mike and I got to go to Discovery Cove to swim with the dolphins and the following day we went to Sea World. I must admit the whole time I was thinking about Jacob and missing him like crazy! I was so pathetic that I kept going through my phone to look at pictures of him. I swear my life will never be the same! Even when I do finally get time to myself all I can do is think of him. We did have a really fun time though. We got to swim with the dolphins and while we were at Sea World we had the opportunity to pet a penguin. I love penguins!! It was so exciting because that was not our original plan. So I got to scratch two things off my list of "What I Want To Do Before I Die". (I still want to see a baby Emperor Penguin in person though!)
Mike & I with Rascal the dolphin.
Me kissing the dolphin. We didn't get a picture of Mike, but he kissed a dolphin too!

Baby dolphins in the dolphin nursery :)

Poor Polar Bear... I swear he has OCD!

This penguin had such an attitude.

Petting a penguin :)

See the baby seal? He was so fat!! We tried to throw him food but he wasn't fast enough!

My attempt at crocheting a baby seal. He didn't come out quite right, and I couldn't find eyes for him, so I just sewed on buttons. He still came out pretty cute.
When we got back to TN we went to the Renaissance Festival up here. It was a lot of fun and so much nicer than the one in Tampa. The only bad part was that Jacob woke up with a runny nose and cough, so he was pretty much MISERABLE the whole time. He slept a lot of the time we were there. It was so sad too because I spent so much time on making him a Frier Tuck costume. Crabby and all he was still very cute!

Jacob dressed up as Frier Tuck :)

Jacob & I dressed up and ready to go. Daddy's no fun!
OK, on to the BIG news...We finally bought a home! Well, not actually just yet. But we did put an offer in and they did accept. We just have to wait for the closing and all that fun stuff.
The house is not quite finished being built. It should be ready for us in five weeks. Since it is still not finished Mike and I get to pick out paint colors, flooring, and the countertops. The cabinets have already been ordered and I believe they said they were oak.
The house has four bedrooms, two baths, and is on just about an acre of property. It is located in Lebanon which is only about 45 minutes away from Mike's job. The only problem is there is no garage. In our excitement of finally finding a home we didn't even think about it until we got home. We had our real estate agent get in contact with the builder and we pretty much got it figured out that we will have a shed installed on the property large enough to fit a riding lawn mower.
As soon as we can we will post more pictures of it inside and out! For now, here is what it looks like still under construction:

We took Jacob to the park the other day and got a few cute pictures. He really enjoyed it! Although he would have rather played with the shredded tire than actually slide down the slide. He also crawled around in the grass for the first time. He had a blast. He loves pulling grass!


Daddy & Jacob :)

He is just so cute!!

Climbing up the slide.

Jacob with his mommy.

Crawling in the grass.
I guess that's all for now. Here are some more random pictures and videos. :)

Crawling around in his baby legs.
I also tried to make some of his prefold diapers cuter by sewing fabric down the center of them. I just cut up an old receiving blanket and used that as fabric. I would do it to more but since I do not have a sewing machine it takes too much time by hand. So until I get one this will probably be our only one. He's also wearing another pair of baby legs I made for him :)
A closer view of the diaper.
Jacob fell asleep playing with his toys :)